Friday, October 8, 2010

My Spiritual Perspective

I'm hypersensitive to emotion and presence.

It's been said that 3 am is the demonic witching hour because it's the opposite of 12 pm, the time of day around which Jesus died on the cross.

I feel like I'm being watched almost all the time...and I feel a lot of the time like I have some spirit attatched to me...

Last night, I was on the phone with Twitch. It was about 11:30ish and I was in my bed. I had all my lights off and my fan off and my windows shut. I did this because I didn't want my mom to know that I was still on the phone. I was supposed to be off at 10. Luckily, she doesn't read my blog.

I got paranoid, so I turned my lamp on. I see shadows in the dark...

We had JUST been talking about the movies The Exorcism of Emily Rose and Paranormal Activity and my phone has piss poor signal out here, so it had dropped like 5 times already, but that one was the freakiest because the second it dropped, I heard a scratching sound at my door. I thought it was Harleigh, my teacup yorkie puppy, because she usually sleeps in my bed. I jumped at first.

When the scratching noise happened, my door pushed open just far enough to where she could've walked in, but I figured maybe it wasn't open far enough.

I went over to my door and opened it about halfway...Harleigh wasn't there. No one was. Something pushed my door open...something scratched on it...but there was nothing. Harleigh was in my mom's bed like she had been the last 2 hours, Sparkey and Eddy were sleeping on the couch. My sisters were the only other ones awake.

At about the time I started to get up to go to the door, I called Twitch back. She answered in time to hear me go freaking balistic because I heard and SAW my door open about 1/4 of the way open. And it had been shut. Not latched, but there was no way to open without pressure.

I almost hyperventalated. I've always felt a presence and normally like I'm being watched...sometimes I'll have goosebumps in the front and sweat on my back. Sometimes I'll hear footsteps, laughing, whispers, or just words without a voice...or whistling...

I see shadows...I'll swear I saw something, then turn to look and it'll be gone. I am NOT superstitious. But I do believe in spirits.

In the Bible, it talks about the Day of Judgement and the Rapture of the Church. What I think is this: your soul doesn't go directly to heaven or hell. I think that the good souls protect and the evil souls are trapped and torment. The good ones keep the bad ones away. The bad ones want to scare the living.

During the Rapture, all good souls will descend into heaven. The evil ones will be trapped on earth until the day of judgement because they stay behind to torture during the Great Tribulation. They are there to torment the living who wish for death, but death won't come.

During the Great Tribulation, people can still be saved, but it's much more difficult on them since no believers will be left on Earth. They have the worst trials of their faith. If they prevail, their soul is written in the Lamb's Book of Life. And they may enter heaven when they die. If they do not, however, they are thrown into the Lake of Fire where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.

In the last seven years of the Great Tribulation, the Antichrist who has become the ruler of the whole world and united all the lands as one nation of one language and one currency, will become possessed by Satan. The whole world will be ruled by Satan in flesh.

The whole time I've been writing this, I've felt like there's something behind me...

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