Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Debate With Milky (Spiritual Perspective on the Holocaust)

I have his permission to post this. This is strictly for the spiritual perspective. NOT to embarass anyone. In case you've forgotten, his real name is Josh. I'm not allowed to call him Milky to his face ^-^

You don't understand...God isn't a once or twice a week thing. He's here. Now and forever. Every step you take he's there. Everything you do He's there. Any decision you make. He's the little voice in your head when you KNOW something is wrong. He's the tug on your heart when you're gonna DO something wrong. Without God, there is no day or night or rain or shine. He is with you everywhere. All the time. In everything you do. In every choice you make. He's with you all the way. Every single day. He'll never let you down. He wants you to run to Him with everything. He waits with open arms to hold His child close and says "I'll never let you go." THAT'S the ONLY relationship I want. I want my daddy. My Abba Father. My God.

But my future...is what I make it out to be. And I'm not moving...not until I graduate. I know that for a fact.

Your future is what God plans it out to be. His plans are greater than your own. And He is gonna use you in ways that you could never imagine. But you have to let Him. You have to trust him. You have to remember that He will never do anything that would hurt you. He'll never bring you to something that He won't pull you through. Jeremiah 29:11 "'I know the plans I have for you' says the Lord your God. 'Plans to heal and not to harm. Plans to give you a future.'"

Yes I know...I've known for a while. I understand that...I'm saying for that Wednesday I can come to church with you and we can worship together. I read two pages of the Bible a day. Every day. And I've finished it...twice. I know. And I'm gonna read it...until I have every single word memorized. And...does that mean...that you don't want a relationship...ever...with me................................?

Josh it doesn't mean anything about you. It means that I don't want to now and I don't KNOW what I'm going to want. That's the thing with plans. They change. But God's are set in place before you're ever born. He writes your destiny.

Explain this then...sorry to say...but...why did God sacrifice...79% of all living Jews in World War II? Were they born to die? Were they born to prove a point? Why didn't he pull them thru it? Jesus...God's son...was a Jew. Explain that. Especially when it was by a person who considered himself holy and Godly.

Hitler was a narcissistic bastard. Yes, God loved him. His heart pined for him, but that's why God gives us free will. So we can make our own choices. God was there. He did pull them through because Hitler. Did. Not. Succeed. He put a serious dent in it but he didn't wipe them out. And now he's dead and burning in hell. God allows things to happen because they can be used to glorify and praise Him. What happened to the Jews was to show how much bigger God is than our problems. He let it happen because their story shows that nothing is too big for Him. Hitler is gone. The Jews aren't. The ones that died are now with God. That's not something to be sad about.

Yet you just tried using this earlier to prove your point...Jeremiah 29:11 "I know the plans I have for you says the Lord your God. Plans to heal and not to harm. Plans to give you a future." Yeah...umm didn't give the Jews much of a future...didn't heal the Jews much. All it did was cause harm...make them lose their faith...make them...let's see...kill their own families...steal from their brothers...does that sound good? Does that sound healing? Is that a future. 7/8 of all existing Jews today...have no grandparents...because they died in the Holocaust. Only three people who were in the Holocaust...are still here... Alive...and only one...in the God Almighty... So explain...

He knew it would happen. He used it to show a...comparison? Just like He let Joseph be sold into slavery. He made him a king. He didn't cause them to sin. God doesn't tempt. Satan tempts. God tests.

The Bible tells us...that...in order to have...everlasting life...to join God in heaven...that we must let Jesus into our hearts...and become saved...well...do you think it's His wishes for His followers to lose their faith...to abandon Him...to dispose of all ties with Him. That's what it did to the Jews. Am I making since to you now? This and several other things...give me disbelief...I still believe...but...I am not gonna rely on Him for everything because I've seen where it gets 43% of all Christians.

Nobody said salvation would be easy. But it's worth it. Would you rather live a life of ease and burn in hell for all eternity with the Devil and his fallen angels or would you rather live your life for Jesus Christ who gave his up for YOU. And for every Jew and Atheist and Mormon and Muslim and Hindu and Christian out there. For those who've never even heard of him. 12 languages don't have the Bible. Every day millions of people die and go to hell. Why? Because of people. Because of sin. And because the ones who HAVE heard are afraid. They either don't wanna believe it or they are too afraid to do anything about it. How many people do you know who make an effort to reach people with truth and not hypocrisy?

But you said...he plans everything out. And knows your destiny before you're born. If that is so...he KNEW that the Jews would go to hell. That millions of people would die. And go to hell. That they would lose faith.

I understand. But God didn't WANT them to lose faith. He just gave them that choice. He didn't make them change their mind about Him. He wanted to use them. And they gave up on Him. As long as you're alive, there is still hope.

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