Monday, November 8, 2010

Demonic Research: the Devil (Links and Contents)

Christian Teaching About the Devil
  • Sources of Christian Teaching
               ~Old Testament

                    -The Serpent (Genesis 3)
                    -Job's Adversary (Job 1)
                    -David's Satan (2 Sam 24. & 1 Chron. 21)
                    -Zechariah 3
                    -Azazel (Leviticus 16)
                    -Isaiah's Lucifer (Isaiah 14)
                    -Cherub in Eden (Ezekiel 28)

               ~New Testament

                    -Acts & Epistles

               ~Extra Bible Material
  • History of Christian Teaching
                    -Patristic Period
                    -Middle Ages
                    -The Reformation
                    -Anabaptists and Dissenters
                    -Rudolf Bultmann and Modernists
  • Modern Christian Teaching by Church
                    -Roman Catholic Views
                    -Eastern Orthodox Views
                    -Evangelical Protestants
                    -Anglican and Episcopalian
                    -Unitarians and Christadelphians
                    -Latter-day Saints
                    -Unification Church
  • Characteristics
                    -Black Magic
                    -Christian Tradition
  • Theological Disputes
                    -Sinfullness of Angels
  • The Devil in Literature
  • References

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