Monday, November 8, 2010

Demonic Abilities: Making Contracts (Links and Contents)

  • Contract Information
  • Defenses to Formation of Contract
               - Freedom to Contract and Hurley v. Eddingfield
               - Offer and Acceptance
                    - Invitation to Treat
               - Consideration and Estoppel
               - Intention to be Legally Bound
               - Third Parties
               - Formalities and Writing
  • Bilateral and Unilateral Contracts
  • Uncertainty, Incompleteness, and Severance
  • Contractual Terms
               - Boilerplate
               - Classification of Term
               - Status as a Term
               - Implied Terms
                    - Terms Implied in Fact
                    - Terms Implied in Law
                         - Common Law
                         - Statute Law
                    - Coercive vs. Voluntary Contractive Exchanges
  • Setting Aside the Contract
               - Misrepresentation
               - Procedure
  • Other Contract
  • Contract Theory
  • National Contract Law
               - German Contract Law
               - English Contract Law
               - Scots Contract Law
               - Australian Contract Law
  • See Also
  • Notes
  • References
  • External Links

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